Pedro has dark skin, brown eyes, and curly hair. When he has a child these traits are likely to be expressed despite the traits of his partner because they are which type of traits?

a) infrequent traits
b) dominant traits
c) genetic traits
d) recessive traits

Respuesta :

Answer: B

Explanation: Since the traits would likely be expressed in his child despite the traits of his partner, Pedro's traits would have to be dominant. If Pedro had recessive traits it would mean his traits would be *most likely to not* be expressed in his child.
b dominate traitswww.slideshare.netIn genetics, a trait that will appear in the offspring if one of the parents contributes it. ( Compare recessive trait.) Note : In humans, dark hair is a dominant trait; if one parent contributes a gene for dark hair and the other contributes a gene for light hair, the child will have dark hair