Respuesta :

their are many positive and negative parts of the media. The negative caused mental problems that turn to physical problems like. 
-distorted body image: media is full of unrealistic expectations. Anorexia and bulimia are a fall out of this body image crisis.
-making violence normalized
Those are just two out of many affects

The media has positive and negative impacts on the health of adolescents, but some of the negative would be
1. promoting inappropriate sexual behaviors due to certain movies that brainly won't let me name on their site and other suggestive content
2. Violence becomes a regular and common on the media, and that makes seem almost ok
3. Body image becomes a problem because of the amazing, and photoshopped, bodies that the celebrities have, which can cause eating disorders and other problems
4. Young girls and boys can spend all their time doing these things instead of becoming fit and being healthy, so weight gain and even obesity is a possibility
5. The media is distracting from school and can cause problems with grades and more
6. The media is all about material objects and commercial, and that can be a bad influence especially on young children
That's all I have, I know there's more out there but I hope this was helpful, have a wonderful day!