
From which point of view ate these sentences written?

A. First person - Byron's point of view

B. First person - Mr.Watson point of view

C. Third -person limited

D. Third - person omniscient

Respuesta :

Third person omniscient

These sentences are written from a third-person omniscient point of view. This means that the story is told by a narrator who is external to the story, i.e. the narrator is not a character. Therefore, the pronouns 'he', 'she', 'it', and 'they' are used to refer to the different characters of the story, as well as their respective names.

These sentences are not written from a first-person point of view because the characters should include their own thoughts or descriptions.

And these sentences are not written from a third-person limited point of view because the story should have been told from a character's perspective.