Respuesta :
In Spanish grammar the Present Perfect tense is similar to the English grammar, and the rule is:
Subject + verb Haber (to have) in present tense + verb in past participle + complement
It is used to express that an action took place in the past but continues in the present.
If we want to write a sentence in in Present Perfect tense, we have to follow the rule above, taking into account that the verb Haber in present must be correctly written according to the subject pronoun.
1st person singular: Yo he
2nd person singular: Tú has
3rd person singular: Él/Ella/eso/esa ha
1st person plural: Nosotros hemos
2nd person plural: Ustedes han (In LatinAmerica) / Vosotros habéis (In Spain)
3rd person plural: Ellos/Ellas han
Then, according to this explanation the right answer is:
Rodrigo ha cumplido diez años
(Rodrigo has turned ten years old)
Rodrigo is the 3rd person in singular Él (He), so the right conjugation of the verb haber(to have) is ha (he has). Then, according to the rule, this verb Haber is followed by the main verb cumplir in past participle as cumplido.
Rodrigo (Él) + ha + cumplido + diez años
Rodrigo + has + turned + ten years old
Subject + verb Haber (to have) in present tense + verb in past participle + complement