
My German Youth! After a year, I again greet you. You here today are only a part of what is spread over all Germany. We want you, my German boys and girls to absorb all that we respect about German. We want to be one people and you my youth are to be that people. In the future there must be no ranks or classes and you must not let them to grow in you. We want to see one nation and you must educate yourself selves for it. We want this people to be obedient and you must practice this obedience. We want these people to be peace loving but also to be courageous. You must peaceable and courageous at the same time. We want this nation to be hard not soft and you must steel yourselves for it in your youth. You must learn to accept privations and ever collapse. No matter what we create today or what we do today we will pass away. But a new Germany will live. And when nothing remains of us than you must hold in your fist the flag we tore from nothing. I know this cannot be otherwise because you are flesh from our flesh and blood from our blood. The same spirit that dominates us burns in your young minds. As the columns of our movement sweeps through Germany today then I know you will join with them. And we know around us is Germany—in us Germany marches….and behind us Germany follows."

Based upon this speech, what are THREE reasons people follows Hitler. With textual evidence. (If you can really just give the REASONS, I'm sure I can find the text on my own. Pfft.)

I've read over this a couple dozen times, and I think I know a few.