1. The Cherokee have decided that they have the right to remain where they live without 'interruption or mole-station'. They point out to the law and treaties made with the US that allowed them to live in the area and defend themselves against the intruders. They "only request" that they be able to continue living in the area. They plead to stay, because if they move "ruin [is] before us", & that the "country west... is unknown to [them]". It also has large amounts of Indian tribes which will regard them as "intruders", because they have different languages, beliefs, & cultures. They would eventually have war with them because of these differences, which the Cherokee's do not want, & so they plead to stay in their area.
2. To plead to stay in their area
3.The US wanted to move all Indian tribes to reservations to allow settlers to take their lands
hope this helps