1. Agenesis of corpus is a rare birth defects in which there is a completer or partial absence of corpus callosum. This condition occurs when the corpus callosum fails to develop normally during pregnancy; it typically occur during the third to the twelveth week of pregnancy. The type of functional impairment that will be seen in this defect will be those that relate to the function of corpus callosum. Examples of this functional impairment include: cognitive impairment, developmental delay in motor and communication skills, vision and hearing impairment, etc.
2. If the choroid plexuses produce excessive CSF, the excessive fluid will cause the brain ventricle to widen and will impact excessive pressure on the brain tissues. This usually result in a medical condition known as hydrocephalus. In this condition, excess fluid build up in the skull and cause the brain to swell. The condition can result in developmental, physical and intellectual impairments.