Howard gardner proposed that _____. there is only one intelligence· everyone is equal in all types of intelligence· iq tests are the best way· to measure· intelligence· there are multiple intelligences?

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He is known for Gardner's theory of multiple intelligence. So the answer in this question is There are multiple intelligence. He is the one who also believes that musical ability is a type of intelligence. This theory of Howard Gardner was developed in 1983 and it differentiate intelligence into specific 'modalities', rather than seeing intelligence as dominated by a single general ability.

The correct answer is: Howard Gardner proposed that there are multiple intelligences.

Beyond the three general categories in which people learn: visual learners, auditory learners and kinesthetic learners, Gardner's theory led to the development of six intelligences in the beginning, nine intelligences today, which relate to a person's set of capabilities:

1. Verbal-linguistic intelligence

2. Logical mathematical intelligence

3. Spatial-visual intelligence

4. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence

5. Musical intelligences

6. Interpersonal Intelligence

7. Intrapersonal Intelligence

8. Naturalist intelligence

9. Existential intelligence.