Respuesta :
to make a fraction a decimal you have to divide the denominator and the numerator
To convert a decimal fraction into hexadecimal form follow this steps:
- Divide the decimal number by 16
- multiply the remainder i.e the number that appears after the decimal point of the result you got from step 1 by 16
- repeat the process until you get a decimal result of 0
- the hexadecimal form will be the results gotten from step 2 starting from bottom to the top.
Example: convert 2210 decimal to hexadecimal
step 1 :
2210 / 16 = 138.125 this means that the new decimal will be 138 and the remainder is 0.125
step 2 :
multiply .125 by 16 = 2
repeat step 1:
138 / 16 = 8.625 this means the new decimal is 8 and the remainder is 0.625
repeat step 2:
multiply .625 by 16 = 10
Repeat step 1 and step 2 until the new decimal becomes 0 then you can stop and then write out your result from steps 2 from bottom upwards to get the hexadecimal equivalent of 2210 decimal.