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The first agricultural revolution occurred in the region of the Middle East known as the fertile crescent. This revolution marked the Era when humans moved from a hunter gatherer lifestyle to a more permanent one. This revolution led to the origin of the first civilizations as the newly found agriculture presented a way for people to produce their own food and to have an excess for trading.


The first agricultural revolution was the transition from hunter-gatherer societies to agricultural societies. Agriculture is the deliberate cultivation of plants and the domestication of animals for subsistence or economic gain. Agriculture led to the creation of permanent settlements, which developed into the first villages and towns. By 5,000 BCE, settlements had become well established in many parts of the world. Agriculture did not begin in one place and then spread across the world; instead, it developed independently across the planet. However, most scientists believe that agriculture was developed in Mesopotamia first. The types of plants and crops that were domesticated depended on the geography of the area. Grains were domesticated first in Mesopotamia, but root crops were domesticated first in Southeast Asia. In North America, corn and yams were domesticated.
