1. Identifying For what group was the colony of

Pennsylvania founded?

2. Naming Who received the land of Pennsylvania as

payment for the debt owed by the king to his father?

3. Analyzing Why was Pennsylvania called a “holy


4. Describing How was treatment of Native Americans

different in Pennsylvania?

5. Listing List the groups of settlers who came to


6. Defining What was The Charter of Privileges?

7. Explaining How and why was the colony of Delaware formed

Respuesta :

In Pennsylvania Native Americans got treated better than in the southern colonies because sometimes they even worked together on different plans. It was called holy because there were many Puritans who were Buddhists, so they wanted to see if they can be buddhists in North America.
Puritans, Merchants, Slaves, Pirates, Assasins, and Pharaos were people who came to Pennsylvania