Respuesta :

The body of law created by judges through their court decisions is known as common law. A common law system is based on the doctrine of judicial precedent, the principle under which the lower courts must follow the decisions of the higher courts, rather than statutory laws. The common law legal system originated in England, was later adopted in the United States and Canada.

The body of law created by judges through their court decisions is known as judicial precedents.

Further explanation

General law is law established by jurors through similar court and tribunal decisions, as opposed to statutory law accepted through legislation or regulations issued by the executive.

The law is the most important system in the implementation of a series of institutional powers from the forms of abuse of power in the political, economic and community fields in various ways and acts, as the main intermediary in social relations between communities against criminalization in criminal law, criminal law that seeks ways the state can sue Actors in the constitution of the law provide a framework for the creation of law, protection of human rights and broadening political power and the manner of their representation to be elected.

In general, the formulation of legal notions contains at least the following elements:

  • The law regulates human behavior or actions in society. Rules contain commands and prohibitions to do something or not do something. This is intended to regulate human behavior so as not to touch and harm the public interest.
  • Legal regulations are determined by the agency or agency authorized for it. Legal regulations are not made by everyone but by institutions or bodies that do have the authority to set rules that are binding for the wider community.
  • Enforcement of the rule of law is coercive. Legal rules are made not to be broken but to be obeyed. To enforce it, it also regulates the authorities who have the authority to supervise and enforce it even with repressive measures. However, there are also normative/complementary legal norms.
  • The law has sanctions and every violation or act against the law will be subject to strict sanctions. Sanctions are also regulated in legal regulations.

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Judicial Precedents

General Law


Class: College

Subject: Social Studies

Keywords: Law, Judicial, Judges