Respuesta :
The answer is achieved status. The social position people may attain later in life as the result of their effort is achieved status.
Achieved status is a theory that was created by an anthropologist named Ralph Linton. Achieved status is a social position acquired by a person, either by their effort or work. Achieved status is the opposite of ascribed status. Achieved status reflects a person’s abilities, efforts, and personal skills. The examples of achieved status are being a college professor, a psychologist, an Olympic athlete, or even a criminal.
Status is important for a person because it implies rights, behaviors, duties, and obligations of a person’s current position. These expectations can also be known as roles. For example, as a psychologist, you will have duties for your role, such as counseling, giving therapy, etc.
Ascribed status is different from achieved status. It is a position assigned to an individual or group beyond their control. This includes sex, parental social status, and race. This usually happens in a closed society, where the status you have is not by the virtue of being earned.
Many positions are a mixture of ascribed and achieved status. A person who is a doctor is most likely to be born into a wealthy family, so they can achieve high education to become a doctor. While the degree to be a doctor is earned, but the way to get the degree is through the wealthiness on one’s own family.
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KEYWORD: achieved status, social position, effort