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Paleontology is the study of fossils which means it is the scientific study of the remains of the former living things of the past, this is studied by their morphology, possible physiology and characteristics both distint and similar with other same fossils that had been or will be found.

An example, Glossopteris fossils are the most reoccurring fossils in most land masses. In Alfred Wegener’s Continental drift theory which he claims that the continents of the earth may have relocated themselves from their former positions. Which when you synthesize the whole continents you’ll have the “all-earth” or so-called Pangea. The super continent as Wegener’s continental drift theory suggests. These Glossopteris is event in many places mainly in Africa, South America, Australia, India, and Antarctica. That in the paleontological perspective can assert his theory that these organisms have been roaming and surviving all over this one super continent and were dispersed in, that's why they can be found in many places as mentioned.