Match the analogy to the correct classification question 2 options:

object and category
inddividual and trait
individual and associated objects
object and location
cause and effect
noun and what if represents
individual and action

1. yellow star jews :: swasrika:Nazis

2. USS Arizonia:pearl harbor :: Auschwitz:Poland

3. Anne:diary :: mrs. Van Daan:fur coat

4. Mr. Van Daan:makes sausage :: Mr. Dussel:cleans teeth

5. Anne:outspoken :: margot:shy

6. Beans:diet :: radio:entertainment

7. Japan invades China:US stops trade :: Japan bombs pearl harbor :: US enters WWII

Respuesta :

-object and category - 6 (beans: diet :: radio: entertainment)
-individual and trait - 5 (anne: outspoken :: margot: shy)
-individual and associated objects - 3 (anne: diary :: Mrs. Van Daan: fur coat)
-object and location - 2 (USS Arizona: pearl harbor :: Auschwitz: Poland)
-cause and effect - 7 (Japan invades China: U.S. stops trade :: Japan bombs Pearl Harbor: U.S. enters WWII)
-noun and what it represents - 1 (Yellow stars: Jews :: swastika: Nazis)
-individual and action - 4 (Mr. Van Daan: makes sausage :: Mr. Dussel: cleans teeth)