Analyze the word to determine its Greek prefix. Then use your understanding of the prefix meaning to choose the correct meaning of the word.

1) apathetic

a. without emotion or feeling
b. highly emotional
c. very pitiful

2) analgesic

a. a medicine to increase hearing ability
b. a medicine to remove pain
c. a mixture of paint and linseed oil

3) expulsion

a. to drive out
b. to push forward
c. to press down

4) endodermis

a. the outer layer of skin
b. the inner layer of skin
c. all skin

Respuesta :

1) Prefix "a-" means "without, not". The meaning of the word "apathetic" is "without emotion or feeling";
2) In the word "analgesic", prefix "a-" denotes the process of removing or eliminating something. So, "analgesic" means "a medicine to remove pain";
3) Prefix "ex-" has the meaning "out". That is why, the word "expulsion" is defined as "to drive out";
4) Prefix "endo-" means "inside, within". Consequently, "endodermis" is the name of the inner layer of skin.