Respuesta :
The strand of chlorophyll rich water indicates NORTHWESTERN OCEAN SURFACE CURRENT DIRECTION off the Southwest African coast.
Chlorophyll is an indicator of primary production and whenever it is found it is usually characterized by high primary production which is mainly supported by coastal up welling which usually creates commercial interest for fishery and aquaculture.
Chlorophyll is an indicator of primary production and whenever it is found it is usually characterized by high primary production which is mainly supported by coastal up welling which usually creates commercial interest for fishery and aquaculture.
The strand of chlorophyll rich water indicates NORTHWESTERN OCEAN SURFACE CURRENT DIRECTION off the Southwest African coast.
Further Explanation
Chlorophyll is a green pigment in plants, algae, and photosynthetic bacteria. This compound plays a role in the process of photosynthesis of plants by absorbing and converting the energy of light into chemical energy.
In the process of photosynthesis, there are 3 main functions of chlorophyll, namely utilizing solar energy, triggering the fixation of CO2 into carbohydrates and providing an energetic basis for the ecosystem as a whole. And carbohydrates produced by photosynthesis through the process of anabolism are converted into proteins, fats, nucleic acids, and other organic molecules.
Chlorophyll absorbs light in the form of electromagnetic radiation in the visible spectrum. For example, sunlight contains all the visible colors of the visible spectrum from red to violet, but the entire wavelength of the elements is not well absorbed evenly by chlorophyll. Chlorophyll can store light energy absorbed by light pigments or other pigments through photosynthesis, so chlorophyll is called the central pigment of photosynthesis reaction. In the process of photosynthesis, plants can only use light with wavelengths between 400-700 nm
Determinants of Chlorophyll Spread
The concentration of chlorophyll-a waters is largely determined by the intensity of light and the presence of nutrients. Tropical marine waters generally have low chlorophyll-a content due to nutrient limitations and strong water column stratification. Furthermore, based on the seasonal and spatial distribution of chlorophyll-a, in some parts of the waters, the concentration is quite high. This is due to the occurrence of nutrient enrichment in the surface layer of water through various processes of water mass dynamics, including upwelling, vertical mass mixing of water and water mass movement patterns, which carry the mass of nutrient-rich water from surrounding waters.
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Grade: College
Subject: Biology
keywords: chlorophyll