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The national dropout rate is about 70% for African American college students. Statistically, there is a big number of male African Americans that give up on their college education. Some of the reasons may be attributed to the stubborn achievement gap between black and white students and poverty.
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The racial achievement gap in the United States refers to differences in educational attainment between different ethnic groups. This manifests itself in various ways: among students, African-American, Latin, and Chicano students are more likely to receive lower grades, lower scores on standardized tests, drop out of school, and they tend to enter and finish college than white people, whereas white scores are lower than Americans of Asian descent. There is disagreement among scholars about the origin of racial achievement gaps. Some focus on each student's household life, and others focus more on uneven access from certain ethnic groups to resources. Like the fact that every dollar a board spends on black or brown students is seven dollars for white students. In addition, political history such as anti-literacy laws and current policies such as school funding have generated educational debts between districts, schools and students. The achievement gap affects the economic gap internally, the future of the national economy, political participation, and political representation. Solutions have ranged from national to policies like No Child Left Behind and more recently Every Student Succeed Act to private industry closed this gap and even local efforts.
According to the US Department of Education, the dropout rate is the percentage of high school students who drop out between the beginning of one school year and the beginning of the next school year. Five out of every 100 students enrolled in high school in October 2000 left school before October 2001 without successfully completing a secondary school program. The percentage of students who dropped out of school declined from 1972 to 1987. However, despite fluctuations from year to year, the percentage of students who drop out of school each year has remained relatively the same since 1987. Data from the October 2001 Current Population Survey (CPS) shows that students are skinned blacks and Hispanics are more likely to drop out of school between October 2000 and October 2001 than white or Asian / Pacific Islands students. During this period, 6.3% of black students and 8.8% of Hispanic high school students dropped out compared with 4.1% of white students and 2.3% of Asian / Pacific high school students.
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Department of Education :
Class: high school
Subject: social studies
Keywords : Department, Education, dropout, ethnic, political