Every technological and transport advance brings great benefits for human societies; but
at the same time, it can change the cultures it links, because contact
with other peoples allows human civilizations to permeate the concepts,
ideas, practices, religions and customs of other cultures. Thus,
with the advance of means of transportation, the cultures of the world
that were previously isolated, or almost isolated, could be affected
when they were mixed with ideas of other peoples. However,
culture has been greatly benefited by science and technology itself,
since it has knocked down myths, erroneous beliefs and harmful customs
for human beings from different regions of the world. Millions of human lives were saved by modern medicine, with the creation and transportation of new medicines; as well as the transportation of properly preserved food to the most remote regions. Science
and technology certainly change world cultures, but connecting the most
remote peoples, even if it changes cultures, frees them from prejudice
and racism, while enriching them with new concepts and discoveries.