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Oxygen ([tex] O_{2} [/tex])

In the light reactions of photosynthesis (i.e. in photosystem II), the light is used to split water by removing some electrons in water required by the reaction center of photosystem II. Upon splitting, the hydrogen ions of water are released from the water molecule. The remaining oxygen ion associates with another oxygen ion when another water molecule splits in order to form molecular oxygen ([tex] O_{2} [/tex]), which can be considered as a byproduct of photosynthesis. 

The molecule that is released when the photosynthetic light reaction occurs is oxygen.

Further explanation

Photosynthesis is the process of plants turning sunlight into food or energy. photosynthesis is the manufacture of food by green plants through biochemical processes in chlorophyll with the help of sunlight. Because it makes its food, green plants are categorized as autotrophic organisms. Chlorophyll itself is a pigment in green plants that functions to capture sunlight and then converted to chemical energy that is bound in carbohydrate molecules.

In photosynthesis, sunlight energy reacts with six molecules of carbon dioxide (CO2) and six molecules of water (H2O) to produce one molecule of glucose (C6H12O6) and six molecules of oxygen (O2). With the equation: 6CO2 + 6H2O + light = C6H12O6 + 6O2 From these results, CO2 is converted into solid glucose for plant consumption along with water. While oxygen (O2) is released into the air.

Photosynthesis process

Starting from carbon dioxide taken by the mouth of the leaf at night, then proceed with taking water from the ground using roots. The water is carried by transportation systems in plants with xylem and phloem tissue. When sunlight appears, plant chlorophyll absorbs the light as the main energy in making glucose. From photosynthesis, glucose produced into basic fuels to be processed again into food substances such as protein and fat for plants.

Humans and animals that consume green plants will also benefit from protein. The benefits of photosynthesis that require carbon dioxide reduce levels of carbon dioxide in the surrounding environment. At the same time, plants also produce oxygen which is needed by humans and other living things.

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Class: College

Subject: Biology

Keyword: photosynthesis process