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During the Napoleonic wars the European countries that had fallen under the control or influence of the Napoleonic Empire made alliances or coalitions to defeat the French army and rid Europe of Napoleon.  There were seven coalitions formed between 1792 and 1815.  By 1812 Napoleon had pretty much taken over western Europe, most countries had either been annexed to the empire or fell under the categories of "under the influence" or "allies".

The seventh coalition finally defeated Napoleon for good at the battle of Waterloo in 1815.




The European nations feared Napoleon and engaged in a series of wars were strong military alliances rose against the Revolutionary France.

Since 1796 unrest in France came to spread in the European nations were Napoleon was spreading his ideals.

The nationalism in France went abroad and important Coalitions were formed in order to stop France becoming so powerful.

The French Revolution main enemies formed a coalition ( Austria and Prussia) . The Second Coalition formed in 1798 adding England, Russia, Austria, Turkey and the Naples.

But unable to crush Paris, further coalitions formed until the Seventh Coalition formed and the conditions were given for finally taking Napoleon out of the scene when he returned from exile.

 -He wanted to came back to power but he was defeated in the battle of Waterloo, where it marked a return to old France.