Respuesta :

First, let’s multiply 0.01 by 4 to get 1% of 4.00
0.01 x 4 = 0.04
Then, let’s multiply our 1% by 10 to get 10% of 4.00
0.04 x 10 = 0.4
The discount means to subtract the 10% from the 4.00
4 - 0.4 = $3.60
Now we have the discount price.
Next, we have to find 6% of 3.60 to add to the discount price.
We’ll multiply 3.60 by 0.01 to get 1% of that.
0.01 x 3.6 = 0.036
We’ll then multiply that 1% by 6 to get the 6% sales tax that we’ll add to our discount price.
0.036 x 6 = 0.216
0.216 + 3.6 = $3.816
Since money doesn’t go into the thousandths column, we’ll round 3.816 to 3.82
$3.82 is your answer.

Hope that helped! :)
so your answer is 3.82