One difference between carbohydrates and lipids is that A) Lipids will dissolve in water but not carbohydrates. B) Carbohydrates will dissolve in water but not lipids. C) Carbohydrates contain hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen and lipids do not. Eliminate D) Lipids contain hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen and carbohydrates do not.

Respuesta :

The difference between Carbohydrates (sugars) and Lipids: 1) sugars dissolve in water lipids don't. 2) sugars are made-up of subunits that form large polymers and lipids are not and don't form polymers.

The difference between carbohydrates and lipid is that carbohydrates can dissolve in water but lipids cannot.

Further Explanation:

Carbohydrate are biomolecules, contain mainly three atom hydrogen,carbon and oxygen. These are polar molecule which has polar hydroxyl group and makes a hydrogen bond with water.

Carbohydrates mainly of four type-





Functions of carbohydrates

Major source of energy

Store glycogen for fasting


Necessary for proper function of CNS

Help in the oxidation of fat

Lipids are biomolecule, they also contain three atom carbon(C) hydrogen(H) oxygen(O) linked to glycerol.These are the long sequence of carbon to carbon with hydrogen bonds.Number of hydrogen is low and carbon number is high. Electronegativity between carbon and oxygen is high.Thus, they form lipid a non-polar long chain and they are insoluble in water.

Types of Lipids


i. Wax

ii. Oil  

iii. Fats

• Complex

i. Glycolipid

ii. Phospholipid

iii. Proteolipids

Function of Lipid

Store energy

Precursor for many hormones

Metabolic fuel

Part of the cell membrane  

Help in digestion.

Thus, carbohydrates are polar molecule and soluble in water. Lipids are non-polar molecule which is insoluble in water.

Learn more:

1. Learn more about fatty acid:

2. Learn more about carbohydrate monomer

3. Learn more about peptide bond

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Biology

Chapter: Biomolecules


Monomer,carbohydrates,lipid,water,soluble,wax,phospholipids,simple,complex,fattyacid, Monosaccharides,Disaccharides,Polysaccharides,Oligosaccharides,carbon,hydrogen,oxygen,oil,fats,glycolipis,proteolipids.