Respuesta :

the answer is Exhaustion
During the exhaustion stage, the body already passed the period where it constantly developed various defense mechanism to fight out the stressor.
On this tage, the body is already depleted of all of its resource and make the person no longer able to handle the stress.

The answer is exhaustion. The body can no longer keep up with the demands of the stressor in the exhaustion stage of the general adaptation syndrome.  


General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) is a three-stage response from the body when it is faced with stress. GAS is very vital because knowing the three stages of it will help the human body limit the effects of stress on it. Hans Selye was the first person who explored the idea of General Adaptation Syndrome. He conducted research on rats where rats displayed the same set of physical responses to several different stressors.

Here are the three stages of General Adaptation Syndrome:

Alarm reaction  

This is the first stage of GAS. A distress signal is sent to the hypothalamus which is a part of the brain, in the alarm reaction stage. The hypothalamus then releases the hormones called glucocorticoids which trigger the release of cortisol and adrenaline. These two hormones are stress hormones. When people in the alarm reaction the heart rate will increase, the blood pressure will rise, and the blood sugar will go up.  


This is the second stage of GAS. In this stage, the body tries to fight the physiological changes that happen in the alarm reaction. The counteract reaction is governed by the parasympathetic which is part of the ANS. In this stage, the parasympathetic will try to return the body to the normal by lowering the cortisol level in the body. If the stressor reduces, the body will get back to normal. Yet, if the stressor remains, the body will keep in the alerts state and stress will be produced continuously.  


This is the third and the last stage of GAS. In this stage, the body can no longer keep up with the demands of the stressor. Thus, people who have reached this stage of GAS will experience anxiety, depression, tiredness, and feeling unable to cope. If people who are in this stage cannot find ways to manage the stress, they will deal with a more serious condition of mental health.  


If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, we recommend you to also take a look at the following questions:

1.Which of the following is true about stress?  

2.Which lists the factors that can cause a person to experience stress  

KEYWORDS: general adaptation syndrome, GAS, exhaustion, stress, stressor, resistance, alarm reaction  

Subject: Social studies

Class: 10-12

Sub-chapter: General adaptation  syndrome