You wish to cite lucent information management, incorporated versus lucent technologies, incorporated. this is a 1997 federal case from the district court for the district of delaware. it is reported in volume 986, page 253, of federal supplement. although you do not plan to elaborate on this case in text, you want the reader to know that its significance is its "holding that trademark ownership is acquired by adoption and use according to common law traditions." the third circuit court of appeals affirmed the district court's holding in 1999 in an opinion reported in volume 186, page 311, of federal reporter, third series.

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1997 Federal Supplement Volume 986, page 253, 'Lucent Information Management Incorporated vs. Lucent Technologies Incorporated' signifies that "holding that trademark ownership is acquired by adoption and use according to common law traditions." The third circuit court of appeals affirmed the district court's holding in 1999 in an opinion reported in volume 186, page 311, of federal reporter, third series.