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Okay this might be long so get your popcorn and sit back... SO first off Muslims started in around 600 ad By the Original prophet Muhammad which was born in a town called Mecca and spread the new religion all over the middle east and into neighboring Africa. This was at a convenient time since the Roman Empire ruled all that land about 200 years earlier which could have prevented the religion, but since the Romans fell due to political and barbarian invasion the Empire fell and nobody was left to stop this religion from spreading. Anyways back to the topic at hand, Muslims broke off around the beginning and split into 2 different groups which are now know as sunni and Shia. The difference is very small, mostly about which way to take Muhammad's teachings also there is a language barrier which makes it hard for Persians and Arabs to get along but they fight over it a lot these days. Besides the separation they formed many Caliphates across time which took over most of the middle east and plenty of north Africa, they even got all the way into Spain. (I'll link a couple pictures) After the muslims took over the southern part of the world throughout the middle and medieval ages there was fighting against the muslims also know as Crusades which was fought by White christian knights and muslim invaders into Europe. Soon after the Caliphates crashed a new power came into play which was called the Ottoman Empire, you might have heard about it. They fought in the first world war and controlled a lot back in the day, anyways different muslim groups took over power and finally after world war l and ll were done the world finally settled for peace and here we are 1400 years later and muslims take over 1/6 of the world population.