
Identify the aspects of the Roman Republic that are now part of the values and institutions of the United States. Then, explain how they led to the rise of democracy.

(I mostly need help on the second part)

Respuesta :

Okay easy, first off rome laid the foundation for modern politics they had the senate and senators voting on stuff that should be done and had tribunes that controlled the senate and could veto decisions.. Just like in todays society, we have politicians and presidents that can veto decisions made by the senate. Very similar stuff since we are using the exact political system the Romans used, same with sports, Romans had the Coliseum and gladiators and we have football. The Romans were very smart and shaped the world on how it works today, but there are other forms of systems like monarchy or kings and queens which could also be described as dictatorship which the Romans were before they switched to democracy in around 500 BC. That is the answer to your second question, Rome started in 753 BCE by 7 kings which ruled Rome at the time, then later on around 500 AD monarchy was disbanded and the republic or democracy ruled the ancient time all the way until 23 AD thats when the Empire started the dictatorship again..