Imagine you are about to launch a new social cause campaign. In this campaign, you will try to educate others about a problem that you feel needs to be solved in the world. Also, as part of this campaign, you will try to direct people to some specific actions they can do or changes they could make to help solve this problem. Your campaign should include details for how you would use the Internet and engaging media to connect with people and spread the word about your cause

Respuesta :

Hello ladies and gentlemen,
I am here today to talk to everyone about the social change that we need to commit to regarding animal cruelty.

I have created a website called Quiet Voices that will help with more information about animal cruelty. Every day there is more animals that don't have the love and care that they deserve. This website will show you images of the sad side that these animals live through. If you know anyone that you feel is not taking care of animals, please be their voice. If we help speak for them this will come to an end.

The co-founder of quiet voices will be hosting a event in 2018. Please listen the radio station LQR 103.21 or check our website for more information.

Hope to see you there.