
Charles Schenck was an officer of an antiwar political group who was arrested for alleged violations of the Espionage Act of 1917, which made active opposition to the war a crime. He had urged thousands of young men called to service by the draft act to resist and to avoid induction. The court limited free speech in time of war, stating that Schenck's words, under the circumstances, presented a "clear and present danger....."

Part A Although later decisions modified the Supreme Court ruling in the Schenck case, it established a precedent of which of the following principles?

A) It established the principle of popular sovereignty.
B) It established the principle of separation of church and state.
C) It established the principle of limited government.
D) It established the principle that rights are not absolute.

Part B The "clear and present danger" ruling is an example of which of the following conflicts during a time of war?

A) State power and federal power
B) Law enforcement and criminal suspects
C) Governmental power and free speech
D) Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause