This man could boast that the Civil War began and ended at his house.
A. Robert Lee
B. Jefferson Davis
C. Wilmer McLean
D. Ferdinand Ward

Respuesta :

The correct answer should be C) or the third option.


The correct answer is C, Wilmer McLean.


In 1861 the American Civil War broke out, at that time Mr. Wilmer McLean, a gentleman from Virginia, found himself old and ill to fight, and for that reason he thought almost with relief that he had got rid of the conflict. Unfortunately Mr. McLean lived with his family halfway between Washington DC and Richmond, the respective capitals of the Union and the Confederacy.

The first battle of the Civil War, the Battle of Bull Run, broke out on July 21, 1861 near Manassas, Virginia, very close to the home of Mr. McLean. The Confederate General Beauregard, in his search for a headquarters, found Mr. McLean's house. It must have seemed appropriate, and he camped in it with all his men. As a result of this the house became the target of artillery of the Union Army, being destroyed to the foundations by a cannonball.

Mr. Wilmer Mclean then moved from home, although he did not go very far. Until in 1862 the Second Battle of Bull Run exploded near his new house, four times worse than the previous one, McLean had no choice but to escape with his family as far as possible from there to save his life, and settled in Clover Hill, Virginia. This city later changed its name to Appomattox Court House.

It was the year 1865, when the army of the Union commanded by General Ulysses Grant finally reached, after constant skirmishes throughout Virginia, the Confederate army of Robert Lee at Appomattox Court House, new place of residence of Mr. Wilmer Mclean.

On April 9, 1865, General Lee officially surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant putting an end to the Civil War. The place of surrender was, literally, the backyard of Mr. Wilmer McLean's house.