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They practiced redistribution. This means that they shared goods especially food in order to spread the wealth within their community. It helped make sure that everyone had the economic needs that they needed, and where one person might have one item, another may have a different one that they needed.


Responses may vary but should include some or all of the following information:

The two Native American groups living in the Northeast prior to European contact were the Iroquois and the Algonquin. These groups were mainly divided based on language, and they were named after the languages the two groups spoke. Examples of tribes that spoke Algonquin include the Ottawa, the Wampanoag, and the Delaware. Examples of tribes that spoke Iroquoian include the Huron, the Mohawk, and the Seneca. The Algonquin lived in oval structures known as wigwams, which could be constructed in less than a day. This allowed them to move around the region if needed. Their government consisted of a sachem, or chief, who made most decisions for the group. The sachem was often advised by a council of the group’s greatest warriors. The Iroquois’ homes were a bit different than those of the Algonquin. The Iroquois lived in longhouses that were 50 to 100 ft. long and fenced in around the perimeter. They were semi-permanent homes because the Iroquois moved a few miles every couple of years to plant crops. The Iroquois’ government system was known as the Iroquois Confederacy. The five major tribes in the confederacy sent their sachems to represent them. Conflicts were handled through discussion, debate, deliberation, and voting. They represented one of the earliest democracies in North America.

Explanation:sorry it's long