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write a summary of this text

Read a Fictional Text Read the text and notice the important parts of its plot, characters, and setting.

Sunday at the Water Park

“Yeah, the job is pretty boring,” Mariah admitted, looking at the wave pool from atop her lifeguard station. “But I get to be outdoors and I can go on all the rides for free when I’m done.” Her questioner—Berry, a classmate she didn’t know well, who happened to be a customer as well as being the annoying editor of the school newspaper—stretched his arm up toward her in some weird kind of salute. Actually he was recording her with the purple-and-black striped phone in his hand. “How are the working conditions?” he inquired in the important tones of an anchorman. “They’re—” She stopped cold. She stood up, staring at the crowd who rose and fell and squealed with each new surge of machine-churned water. Amid the bobbing figures, she had seen one stop moving, and seen its head sink halfway under the water and stay there. She grabbed the rescue tube and dove into the pool. In what felt like an instant, she had swum to the far end, a few feet from the wave machine, and stopped behind the eight-year-old boy who was floating face-down. She thrust the long, red foam rescue tube at him. Then, she stood in the three-foot deep water and scooped him around the waist. As she lifted his head, a waterfall of clear, bubbly water streamed down. She wrapped both his small, soft hands around the flotation tube and towed him to the side of the pool. She hoisted him high and set him on the brightly painted white cement, then boosted herself up after him. The boy—his name turned out to be Peter—hadn’t fully lost consciousness, so he didn’t need CPR. After a couple of slaps on the back, he was coughing wetly and breathing well, though too stunned even to ask what had happened. By now, the waders in the pool understood vaguely what had happened. They looked around helplessly and asked each other bewildered questions. No one had noticed that Peter was drowning, not even the adults three feet away from him. Peter’s teenage brother and his friends had sloshed as quickly as they could to poolside. In five minutes, the EMS ambulance arrived to take Peter to the nearby clinic. “I got it all on video!” Berry exclaimed. “Now give me an interview!” She couldn’t give him much of an interview, because the event had lasted only thirty seconds. She hadn’t consciously decided how to act, and didn’t remember many details. Her reflexes had done it all automatically. Her lifesaving courses had worked! She hardly knew what she was saying during the interview, and assumed she must sound incredibly dumb and out of breath. Later her family and neighbors told her how poised and in-charge she’d appeared. The strange thing was, she didn’t feel as if she’d done anything special. The only thing that felt new was the way she couldn’t keep herself from smiling at everything—at the trees in her backyard, at silly TV shows, at her younger brother, at the table setting at dinner, at everything.

Respuesta :

The main plot of the short story is to show the reader not to take the small things for granted because at the end you won't even realize that's what you love doing the best. For example in the story it said "Her lifesaving courses had worked ," meaning she never thought they would come in handy because she thought that being a life guard was not exciting and nothing life changing would occur. Also the male figure in the story is a symbol of her life changing experience after she saves the little boy . Another thing is the setting of the pool area how it's all dramatic and everything moving fast and how she didn't stop to think on what to do and just took the plunge into the water acting quick on her feet to save a person she didn't know because that's what she had signed up for even though it tells us she was only there for the rides. In other words she's a guarding angel and now knows that taking risks is something she enjoys .

The plot is very important in any story along with the characters and the setting as well. It helps the reader to get a visual of the scene in their minds while reading.

Plot and summary of the story

The above answer is elaborated as given below:

  • The plot of the story consists of a life guard named Mariah saving a boy named Peter, from drowning.

  • The characters in the story are Mariah, Berry, and Peter and the setting in the scene is the water park where Berry is interviewing Mariah.

  • The story starts with Berry interviewing Mariah about being a lifeguard. In the middle of the interview, she noticed that a boy might be in danger. Without thinking, she put her skills to the use and went and rescued the boy.

  • The scene was noticed by the people around and it was captured on camera by Berry.

  • She might not have considered her job to have much significance, but after the incident she realized that her efforts matter and that gave her contentment.

Therefore, the story revolves around a lifeguard saving a boy.

Learn more about plot and setting here: