Respuesta :
yes I do agree and what he meant by this is if you don't do something kind of dangerous you won't come out for your shell...or that's what I think
well its actually this so copy and paste this I believe that this quote is saying that music is a way to express who you are, or in simpler terms your life. Whether that includes thought, wisdom or experiences, they all make up your life and what kind of person you are. I also picked up that if you do not believe in your music or anything that your are doing; for example it might be your occupation. So, if you are not passionate about it you will not excel at what you do. Music is another way to express your feelings without words, and personally i think it is a more efficient way to communicate or get your feelings out there without hurting anyone or a person knowing your personal business. This quote is meaningful and has a lot of truth. I think this may just be my life motto because it packs so much meaning in two sentences.