Social Studies is an area that encompasses an important collection of ideas used to examine humans, as well as their civilizations and cultural traits. The study of economics, sociology, history, and government come together to make social studies an exploration of human roles within society. What do you think is the most important aspect of social studies that is used to define humans and their societies? Are there any subject areas that should be included in social studies that are currently ignored?

Respuesta :

Mind you, this is only my opinion!

What do you think is the most important aspect of social studies that is used to define humans and their societies?

I think that the most important aspect of social study is the study of dynamics of human interaction; especially on a bigger scale, such as dynamics of groups and intergroup conflicts. 

Are there any subject areas that should be included in social studies that are currently ignored?

- I think that social studies ignore human biology. For example, our hormonal changes change greatly how we behave! take PMS for example, or depression from hormonal pills...