The Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary (and Italy, which entered the war in 1915 on the Entente side).
The Triple Entente: Britain, France, Russia
(The Entente started as the United Kingdom, France, and Russia. After
some time and the war spread, Belgium, Serbia, Italy, Greece, Romania,
and Japan got involved. Finally, the United States stepped in to join as
an associated power).
the world war one alliances were called the
central powers and the allies. The Central powers included
Austria-Hungary, Germany, The Ottoman Empire or turkey, and Bulgaria
which joined a year after the war began. The allies were France, Russia,
Great Britain, and Serbia were the allies at the beginning of the war.
The rest of the allies joined later, Italy in 1915, Romania in 1916,
America in 1917, and Greece in 1917. Other countries joined the allies
but never commmited large numbers of troops to Europe primarily because
of the ships were busy transporting American troops. These allies
included Portugal in 1917, Brazil in 1917, and china in 1917. Japan was
part of the allies at the beginning of the war but only captured a
German held Chinese port(stingtao)and other German colonies in the