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Overview phoTographsshow The crime scene in wide angles. ±hey are Taken From di²erenT vanTagepoinTs To show any enTries and exiTs To The crime scene. IF The crime occurred inside, The wider phoTosshould show The room, as iT appears looking Toward all Four walls.InTermediaTe phoTographsare closer To The evidence, buT They stll show The area surrounding Theevidence. ±his helps To show The evidence in relaton To oTher objecTs in The room.Close upphoTographs may Focus on an injury, a weapon, or a piece oF evidence. ±hey are Taken To helprecord specifc deTails ThaT may noT be picked up by phoTographs Taken From longer ranges 

The crime scene can be recorded by videography, drawing, and notes. The recording of the crime scene with videography lets you utilize the visual elements as well as audio notes.