Explain the broad movement toward social and political equality that flourished after the Revolution and indicate why certain social and racial inequalities remained in place.

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Property requirements for voting were rescinded, which gave a broader swath of the public the right to vote. Separation of Church and State was implemented as a hallmark of the country, which gave religious minorities more leeway in the nation. However, slaves and slavery were still holding sway in the southern states, with racial minorities mistreated and harmed even when they were considered freedment.
During the broad movement toward social and political equality after the revolution, states decreased the number of requirements to vote, many servants were released due to new human rights rules, the church and state were more clearly separated, and people were freer to choose their own respective religion. However, sa lot of social and racial inequalities still remained because there were still states South of Pennsylvania that did not outlaw slavery which kept the mindset of discrimination in its people.