Which of the following are fast ways of improving your credit score (within 60 days)? Settle up any delinquent accounts with creditors and ask them to report the account as Paid As Agreed Cancel all credit cards Dispute any errors on credit reports Check credit limits in credit report for accuracy and make sure that they are not listed lower than they actually are All answers can quickly improve credit score All answers except cancelling credit cards can quickly improve credit score

Respuesta :

The following things are fast ways to improve your credit score: disputing any errors on credit reports and the sooner you do it, the better, settling delinquent accounts, and checking credit limits. Cancelling credit cards will not improve your score.
Settling all delinquent accounts will up your credit rating if the creditor is a bank or financial institution. Also, disputing any errors and credit reports and fixing them will also be able to help increase your credit rating. However, cancelling your card will not improve your rating.