2/32 inchTired tread6 inchesLoad over right side fenders1 footDistance parked from a curb40 inchesHow tall to wear a shoulder harness5 feetPark how much more than the length of a car15-50 feetAway from a railroad track15 feetAway from a fire hydrant20 feetPark how far from crosswalk20 feetPark how far away from driveway of a fire station25 feetStop how far away from a school bus30 feetHow far does your foot brake stop within at 20 mph30 feetPark how far away from a stop sign50 feetPark how far away from a railroad75 feetPark how far on the opposite side of the street of a fire station100 feetSignal before turning100 feetPass within how much on viaduct, bridge, or tunnel100 feetStop within how much of an intersection or railroad crossing100 feetHow far your low beams should shine150 feetDim lights within oncoming vehicle200 feetWhen parking should be able to be seen200 feetHorn should be heard200 feetWhen passing get back in right lane how much before an oncoming vehicle200 feetPlace flares in front and behind car350 feetHigh beams should shine500 feetOn highway signal before you turn500 feetFollowing fire trucks1000 feetTurn headlights on if you can't see how far ahead of you1 blockPark how far from fire truck responding to an alarm