
"In Haiti, the dictators are gone, democracy has a new day, the flow of desperate refugees to our shores has subsided." -- President Clinton, 1996 State of the Union Address Why was this statement significant to the American public at the time? Americans thought the government had not done enough to help encourage democracy and end oppressive governments. The number of refugees the Haitian government encouraged to leave after the earthquake alarmed many southern Americans. Americans demanded an end to all foreign intervention of the U.S. military unless there was a direct threat to national interests. The U.S. military had intervened in Haiti to help remove a brutal regime and help the small nation start to implement democracy.

Respuesta :

This statement is considered significant to the American public at the time because the U.S. military had intervened in Haiti to help remove a brutal regime and help the small nation start to implement democracy. This historical event called United States intervention took place in 1994–1995 on the authority of the US president Woodrow Wilson.


Clinton's statement in the State of the Union Address of 1996 was important to the American public at the time because the U.S. military had intervened in Haiti to help remove a brutal regime and help the small nation start to implement democracy.


Operation Uphold Democracy was a military operation in Haiti carried out from September 19, 1994 until March 31, 1995, whose objective was to restore democracy by eliminating the de facto military regime, returning the previously elected Aristide regime to power, guarantee security, assist in the rehabilitation of civil administration, form a police and judicial force, help prepare for elections and deliver responsibility to the United Nations for a prior political agreement. Finally, the operation succeeded, the de facto regime was deposed and elections could be held so that Haiti would have a democratic governor.