Question 1
Guidelines recommend that a person get at least ________ minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity to lower the risk of diseases.
1) 60 minutes
2) 150 minutes
3) 30 minutes
4) 45 minutes
Question 2
Being physically active lowers your risk of the following two types of cancer: colon and __________.
1) Throat
2) Breast
3) Brain
4) Kidney
Question 3
Both diet and physical activity play a critical role in controlling your weight. When the calories you burn, including those burned during physical activity, are less than the calories you eat or drink, you will:
1) Gain weight
2) Lose weight
3) Maintain the same weight
4) Become healthy
Question 4
Physical activity provides benefits in which areas?
1) Physical
2) Mental/emotional
3) Social
4) All of the above
Question 5
Aerobic exercise is sometimes known as ___________ exercise that requires pumping of oxygenated blood by the heart to deliver oxygen to working muscles.
1) Cardio
2) Weight training
3) Strength training
4) Anaerobic
Question 6
Research shows that doing aerobics, muscle strengthening and bone-strengthening physical activity of at least a moderately intense level can:
1) Slow the loss of bone density that comes with age
2) Reduce the risk of hip fractures
3) Improve your ability to manage pain of arthritis
4) All of the above
Question 7
To lose weight and keep it off you will need a high amount of physical activity unless you also adjust your diet and reduce the amount of __________ you are eating and drinking.
1) Vitamins
2) Minerals
3) Calories
4) Water
Question 8
Physical activity is any form of movement that causes your body to use _________.
1) Calories
2) Energy
3) Skills
4) Muscle
Question 9
The two areas of health-related fitness training are:
Question 9 options:
1) Weight training and swimming
2) Strength training and running
3) Cardio-respiratory and resistance training
4) Water aerobics and yoga
Question 10
How many calories of food equals one pound of weight?
1) 2000
2) 2500
3) 3000
4) 3500
Question 11
If an exercise causes muscles to contract against an external resistance with the expectation of increasing strength, tone, mass, and/or endurance, it is said to be what type of training?
1) Aerobic training
2) Resistance training
3) Interactive training
4) Cardiovascular training
Question 12
Regular physical activity can reduce your risk of developing metabolic syndrome and _________________.
1) Headaches
2) Allergies
3) Common cold
4) Type 2 Diabetes
Question 13
In the United States, two of the leading causes of death are:
1) Obesity and cancer
2) High blood pressure and diabetes
3) Mental illness and obesity
4) Heart disease and stroke
Question 14
Which of the following is NOT an aerobic exercise?
1) Running
2) Swimming
3) Dancing
4) Weight lifting
Question 15
The “Talk Test” is a good measuring tool to determine if an activity meets the criteria for which type of physical activity?
1) Muscle strengthening
2) Moderate and vigorous aerobic
3) Bone strengthening
4) Balancing
Question 16
Your BMI is commonly used to judge whether your weight is healthy or whether extra weight increases your risk for health problems such as cancer. BMI stands for:
1) Basal Metabolism Indicator
2) Big Mass Indicator
3) Body Mass Index
4) Blood pressure Measuring Index
Question 17
Risk of physical inactivity includes unhealthful weight gain, cardiovascular disease, some types of cancer and ______________.
1) Type 2 diabetes
2) Gall stones
3) Kidney infection
4) Headaches
Question 18
Think of the FITT principle as a set of rules that must be followed in order to benefit from any form of fitness training program. These rules relate to the frequency, intensity, type and ________________.
1) Topic
2) Time
3) Target
4) Training

Respuesta :

1. 30 minutes
2. Kidney
3. Gain weight.
4. All of the above
5. Cardio
6.All of the above
7. Calories
8. Either calories or energy. They're the same thing.
9. C
10. 3500
11. Resistance training
13. Type 2 Diabetes
14. Weight lifting
15. Moderate and vigorous aerobic
16. Body Mass Index (which, by the way, is totally ridiculous and wasn't even created by a doctor)
17. Type 2 Diabetes
18. Either time or Target.
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