Respuesta :

On May 25, 1787, state delegates met at the Pennsylvania State House in the city of Philadelphia, George Washington was appointed the president of the Convention, and sought to reach an agreement with the states to renew the original constitution of 1777, which gave no power to Congress to regulate trade and taxes, which made the country bankrupt. Charles Pinckney drafted the Virginia Plan, but it was not accepted, and New Jersey delegate William Paterson presented his own counterpart plan, called "New Jersey Plan." Finally, Roger Sherman created the '' Connecticut Commitment ' and in September 1787 the final agreements were signed, which would empower the Congress to control taxes, commerce, money and the army, while respecting the individuality of the states.

The most important innovations in politics during constitutional convention was the system of checks and balances and Federalism.  

Further Explanation:

The constitution divided national government into three parts and those parts were the Legislative (Also known as Congress), the Executive and Judicial branches. All these three branches played three different roles in the working of the government. The main reason to create these three branches was that it should prevent the government from being controlled by one branch. This also lets government to keep a check on the working of each branch separately so that no branch becomes dominant. This form of separation of powers is associated with system of checks and balances. During the 18th century, there were some states in United States which did not accepted separation of powers. Roles and responsibilities of the powers are, Legislative Powers and Powers related to congress are vested in this. Congress has all the legislative powers in United States. All the decisions in terms of making laws and new treaties are taken under Legislative Powers then there are Executive Powers- These powers are vested with the expectations and qualifications in the President. All the decisions in respect to Army, Navy and all other security forces are taken under these powers and lastly there are judicial Powers and under these powers look after all the judicial proceedings in respect to cases and controversies in courts established by Congress.

Learn more:

1. How did Alexander Hamilton and James Madison view the constitution?

2. After the coup d’état and the resignation of the directory, one of the first things napoleon did was to

Answer details:

Grade:  High School

Subject: Politics

Chapter: The Constitution

Keywords: President, United States of America, Judiciary, Executive, Legislature, Court, Congress, Treaties, 18th Century, Security Forces, Roles and responsibilities.