Respuesta :

technetium -- Tc -- element 43prometheum -- Pm -- element 61{polonium -- Po ---- element 87{radium -- Ra -- element 88}{actinium --Ac -- element 89}{protactinium -- Pa -- element 91}neptunium -- Np -- element 93plutonium --Pu -- element 94americium -- Am -- element 95curium -- Cm -- element 96berkelium-- Bk -- element 97californium -- Cf -- element 98einsteinium -- Es -- element 99fermium -- Fm -- element 100mendelevium -- Mv -- element 101nobelium -- No --element 102lawrencium -- Lr -- element 103 (originally the symbol for this element was Lw)rutherfordium -- Rf -- element 104dubnium -- Db -- element 105seaborgium -- Sg -- element 106bohrium -- Bh -- element 107hassium -- Hs --element 108meitnerium -- Mt -- element 109darmstadtium -- Ds -- element 110roentgenium -- Rg -- element 111copernicium -- Cn -- element 112flerovium --Fl -- element 114livermorium -- Lv -- element 116These are the "English names" rather than the "earth names".The elements in braces {} do not necessarily count as "alien" because they are present on Earth in small quantities.There have been recent claims for the preparation of elements 113, 117, and 118,but so far they have not been endorsed or named by IUPAC.