
Pretend you have time traveled and spent significant amounts of time with the Paleo Indians. create an original and informative postcard after a visit describing your experiences.

Respuesta :

I can't really finish the homework for you, but here is a helpful fact: The Paleo-Indians were the ones who crossed the Bering Strait and people living shortly after this. Here is an idea: describe how the elders would tell legends of this crossing, with boats or on foot on the frozen ice, how they were happy to see the new land and how life in the old land was.
During my travels with the Paleo Indians, we crossed over the Bering Strait, hunted mammoths, and had to scare off other predators from our freshly killed meat. It was very cold, so we wore fur jacket and had a large fire, during the night, to keep us warm and to fend away the animals lurking in the darkness. Everything was ice, we had to make sure to not slip, so I never realized that we had crossed the Bering Strait. Eventually, as we moved south the weather got better. There was more sun, more animals to hunt, and even more things to discover. We found wild berries growing and their sweet juice filled us up. It was a wonderful experience travelling with the Paleo Indians.

Hope that helps :P