In 1733 parliament attempted to stop trading with the french west indies for which product? woolen cloth beaver hats finished iron products molasses

Respuesta :

 The Parliament passed Molasses Act in 1733 in attempt to stop New England Yankee traders from trading fish, beef, and pork with the French West Indies for molasses that were made into rum.  Six (6) pence per gallon on molasses imported from the French islands.

The right answer is molasses.

Making rum from molasses, a syrup derived from sugarcane, was quite profitable. So, in 1733 the British government passes The Sugar and Molasses Act, a tax of six pence per gallon on molasses which was imported from the French West Indies or the Dutch West Indies. The main goal of this tax was to regulate trade and promote commerce with the British West Indies. Grenville recognized that the long-neglected molasses tax if enforced would devastate a major colonial industry. So he put through the American Revenue Act of 1764, commonly known as the Sugar Act, which cut the duty on molasses in half.