Respuesta :

According to the report of US Environmental Protection Agency, majority of large dose radiation exposure comes from natural background radiation sources particularly the radioactive gases radon and thoron. This two gases form when naturally occurring elements decay. However in the case of man-made sources, the largest dose comes from medical x-rays. 


In United States, the average person receives the largest dose of radiation from natural background radiations particularly the radioactive gases like radon and thoron.

Further details:  

Background radiations:

Background radiation is a proportion of the degree of ionizing radiation present in the earth at a specific area which isn't because of conscious presentation of radiation sources.  

Natural Background radiations:  

• Introduction to radiation from common sources is a certain element of regular daily existence in both working and open conditions. This presentation is by and large of practically zero worry to society, however in specific circumstances the presentation of well being security estimates should be considered.  

• The greatest wellspring of regular background radiation is airborne radon, a radioactive gas that exudes starting from the earliest stage. Radon and its isotopes, parent radionuclides, and rot items all add to a normal breathed in portion of 1.26 mSv/a(millisievert every year). Radon is unevenly dispersed and fluctuates with climate, to such an extent that a lot higher dosages apply to numerous regions of the world, where it speaks to a critical well being risk.

• Two of the essential elements that make up the human body, namely potassium and carbon, have radioactive isotopes that add significantly to our background radiation dose.

Answer details:

Subject: Chemistry

Level: High school


• Radiation

• Background radiation

• Radioactive elements

• Natural background radiations.

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