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The energy necessary to break bond between particles of an ionic solid and convert its atoms into gaseous ions is known as lattice energy.

Smaller is the size of an atom more heat energy it needs to break the bonds within its atoms. Whereas larger is the size of atom less energy it needs to break the bonds.

Also, higher is the charge on an atom means smaller is the size of atom. Thus, as charge increases there will be increase in lattice energy.

Therefore, we can conclude that the lattice energy for ionic crystals increases as the charge on the ions  increases and the size of the ions decreases.

The lattice energy for ionic crystals usually increase as a result of the increase in charge on the ions as well as decrease in the size of the ions.

  • Lattice energy can be regarded as the energy needed in the separation of  a mole of an ionic and move it into solid into gaseous ions.

  • Lattice energy can be calculated by utilization of Born-Haber cycle or using electrostatics method.

  • Lattice energy gives an  estimation  of the bond strength in ionic compounds.  As the charge on the ions increase then the the lattice energy for ionic crystals will increases

Therefore, Lattice energy  is required in separation of an ionic solid  and move it into gaseous ions.

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