1. Describe how cities brought about change at the dawn of the Renaissance.

2. Not everyone was delighted by the art and ideas of the Renaissance. Some people merely resisted the new ideas; others were outraged by them. Describe one of the great controversies of the era. (Who was outraged and why?)

3. Describe Rome in the early 1400s and explain some of the problems the city was experiencing.

Respuesta :

Here are some short responses to question 2 and 3
2. i belive it was the medici family, because they ruled florence and tried to over throw the government

3. The 1400s for Rome was not a good time, they had many problems such as social upheavals, contanct cuttoff with china and the plague.

hope that helps!

Cities brought about many changes at the dawn of the Renaissance. The way the cities started was merchants would put up a trading post and that would attract other merchants and before you knew it there was a small town with merchants and cooks and blacksmiths. Then people would notice the town and move there for the convenience. Soon there was a small city, and the person that ruled the city was the first merchant there. When these cities were made people were getting educated and it inspired people. People like artist, to create works of art.