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Like Spider man and how he has the power to shoot the web from his hands and how he is called into an adventure by what he hears and see's. Like when he saves the girl he loves. 
Achilles was a Greek hero, most famous for his part in the Trojan War. He was the son of Thetis and Peleus, the king of Myrmidons.When he was born, Thetis dipped Achilles in the river Styx to make him immortal. She held him by the heel as she dipped him in, and because his heel did not touch the water, it was the only part of him that could be harmed. In some versions of that story, she covered Achilles in ambrosia – the food of the gods – and put him on top of a fire in order to burn away his immortality.Achilles commanded fifty ships which contained fifty Myrmidons each during the start of the Trojan war. However, at first because of a mistake they landed in Mysia which was then ruled by Telephus who was wounded by Achilles. He was told that only Achilles could heal him, and in return, Telephus guided them to Troy.When Agamemnon, the leader of the Achaeans, enslaved a woman called Chryseis, her father – who was a priest of Apollo– begged the god to help him. Apollo sent a plague down to the Greeks. Agamemnon agreed to return the girl, but only in exchange for Achilles by handing over his prize – a woman named Briseis. Achilles was furious at this dishonour and retreated from battle. His friend Patroclus went on his stead. Hector killed Patroclus in a battle which enraged Achilles. Killing Hector was not enough for Achilles so he dragged his dead body with his chariot during the funeral games held for Patroclus. However, Hector’s brother shot an arrow (said to be guided by Apollo) to his heel instantly killing Achilles. This is where the term “Achille’s heel” comes from.
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He was said to be supremely handsome and had supernatural strength.He was also said to be extremely loyal and sacrifice for his friends and family but he was vengeful and easily angered when he did not get what he wants.
He was said to be the greatest warrior of Homer’s Illiad.
He killed Hector and dragged him in his chariot.

Universidad de Mexico