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I don't want to be a nerd, but math is my favorite subject out of all the subjects available. English has all these other answers, Social Studies is boring, and don't even start with the others. Math is awesome because there is always one solution. Whether it is a function or a logarithm, you have excitement trying to find the answer. Math is all around us everywhere. We use it when we pay. We use it when we perform experiments in science. I used to think I was very dumb. But when math inspired me for the better, I began to realize that math is not something me should all hate. Math is something that connects us together. I believe, in my heart, that math made me smarter. No, it was not the teachers, because all the Honors teachers never teach anyway. No, it was the math. Being awesome at math could get you anywhere! From engineering to being a doctor, math is something that is very important. Math is required in many ways, such as paying bills to even watching television! Math is very inspiring because like I told you earlier, it has made me even more smarter. Guess what I got in when I aced Honors Precalc? Honors Chemistry. And honors chem is one of the most hardest classes in my opinion. That Honors Chemistry led me to AP Euro, which was hard as well but math had enabled me to become a little bit photographic and remember the dates. That Honors Math classes I was in led to me going to a great awesome school for college. We all need to be fond of math because that one little step that you know can lead you to many advanced math classes. When I was a lifeguard back in Illinois, a little boy passed out and it was up to me to save him. Well, math to save him. Math saved him because without me knowing math, I would not know how many compression we would have to do (which if you do not know, is 30) and how to call 911. I - or actually, Math had saved the little boy's life. Math will lead you to many places in the future. Always respect math.